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Need transportation? We can help you.
Our bus services are currently covering the areas of Ginowan City, Naha City, Yomitan City, Onnason (OIST), Okinawa City, and Uruma City.
Click over each box to see the exact location in GoogleMaps. Let us know if you need bus services from a location not listed here. 

Bus Naha
Bus Naha
Bus Naha
Bus Yomitan
Bus Naha
Bus Rycom
Bus Rycom
Bus Rycom
Bus Chatan
Bus Chatan
Bus Ginowan
Bus Ginowan
Bus Uruma
Bus Uruma
Bus Uruma
Bus Yomitan
Bus Ginowan

Contact us

The fastest way to get in touch with us is through e-mail.

Please fill the form with as much information as you can (your contact information, phone number, the age and grade level of your child, etc.)





Aza Uesu 449-3.

Uruma City, Okinawa, Japan.


Phone: 098-973-4637 (8:00 to 16:00)

Mobile: 090-6427-1520


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